Photo on left Bianca in baby fitigues circa 1999

Meet Bianca

Our seasoned personal stylist and a champion of the brand since the '90s. With an unwavering connection to our laid-back, vintage-inspired vibe, Bianca epitomizes the soul of R&R Surplus. From her early in baby Fitigues to her current role as a cornerstone of our brand, Bianca's passion and creativiyt make her the quintessential curator of effortless style with an irresistible coolness.

Her authentic passion for our brand's stories and dedication to quality ensure that every shopping experience is tailored with genuine care and attention to detail.

Bianca's bond with Luke (our talented men's designer) adds a beautiful dimension to R&R. Their story began seven years ago when Bianca discovered R&R surplus clothing, instantly captivated by the unique pieces and the man behind them. Their relationship symbolizes the values we hold dear - authenticity, connection, passion, and a shared devotion to craftsmanship. It showcases the real connections we nurture, both with our customers and our brand...the fabric of our identity.

Photo on right Luke in baby fitigues circa 1999

Meet Luke

The embodiment of comfort and style from a young age. Growing up, he rocked Fitigues every day, embracing the brand's vibe of easy fashion and unbeatable comfort. From a baby to an 8-year-old model, Luke flaunted Fitigues' timeless appeal, setting the stage for his journey into design.

With a natural sense of style and an eye for fashion, Luke favored unique clothes that looked good and felt amazing. Comfort always came first, shaping his wardrobe with pieces that blended style and coziness.

Today, as part of R&R Surplus's design team, Luke keeps the family legacy alive. Drawing from his own style and deep understanding of comfort, he helps create pieces that effortlessly blend style and comfort. Luke's journey speaks to R&R Surplus's commitment to authenticity, innovation, and casual luxury.